Suggestions for Nutrition Books

Posted on 08-06-2017 , by: Nancy Clark , in , , , , 0 Comments

If you have time to kick back and read a few books on your rest days, here are a few recommendations that might suit your fancy. Of course, these are new nutrition books!

  1. The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club by Lauren Harris-Pincus MS, RDN
  2. The Mom’s Guide to a Nourishing Garden by Jen Haugen RDN
  3. Gluten Free: The Definitive Resource Guide by Shelley Case RD
  4. Food Truths from Farm to Table: 25 Surprising Ways to Shop & Eat Without Guilt by Michele Payn
  5. 365 Snacks for Every Day of the Year by Sarah Koszyk MA, RD
  6. Body Kindness: Transform Your Health from the Inside Out – and Never Say Diet Again by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN
  7. Diabetes Meal Planning Made Easy 5th Edition by Hope Warshaw MMSc, RD, CDE
  8. Expect the Best: Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During, and After Pregnancy 2nd Edition by Elizabeth Ward MS, RD

These new titles have been read, reviewed and recommended by Melissa Dobbins RD. She is the host of Sound Bites podcast. If you can’t sit still long enough to read a book, you can at least listen to her excellent nutrition information:

With best wishes for health and happiness,


PS, Of course, you might also want to read Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook. It’s a best-seller and winner that can help you reach your food, weight and exercise goals.

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