The new sixth edition of my Sports Nutrition Guidebook is hot off the press (July 2019)! I just received my order of 1,000 books; they are now sitting in my garage. (Want one?)
A LOT has changed since I first wrote the book in 1990. That edition doesn’t even have websites! A surprising amount has changed since the release of the 5th edition in 2013. Here’s what I have updated/added in this new edition:
Aging- ways to fight back
Alcohol- tips for how to cut back
Anemia and iron supplementation
Atypical anorexia
Binge eating disorder
Carbohydrate guidelines, updated
Clean eating
Coconut oil
Dietary Guidelines (2015-2020):
—for Sugar
—for Saturated Fat
—for Cholesterol
Food Waste
Gas station nutrition
Gut health
Half-time nutrition
Intestinal distress and resolving gut issues
Kale vs. other greens
Ketogenic diets
Male Athlete Triad
Milk: Dairy vs. Almond milk
Protein guidelines, updated
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
Sparkling water
Supplement update: Nitates, glucosamine, etc..
Sugar Debate
Sustainable sports diet
Testosterone and pro-hormones
Ultra-processed foods
Vegetarian and vegan options (more of them)
Vitamin D
Weight -class athletes, guidelines
New Recipes: (GF = Gluten Free)
Protein-packed scrambled eggs GF
Peanut butter & dark chocolate chip muffins GF
High protein oatmeal pancakes GF
Better-for-you burger GF
Boston baked beans & rice GF
Extra creamy potatoes and cheese
Beet cherry smoothie GF
PB & J smoothie GF
Kale and cannellini bean soup GF
Chicken, kale and black bean quesadilla
Turkey chili with quinoa GF
Pumpkin chili GF
South African peanut stew GF
Chia pudding, vanilla GF
Chia pudding, strawberry GF
Banana date smoothie GF
Super seedy granola bars GF
Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies GF
Cookie dough dessert hummus GF
Chocolate cake batter dessert hummus GF
For more information, see
PS.If you are a teacher who uses this book for a text, you also get a new free instructor’s guide when you bulk-order books. Click on the ancillaries tab in this link:
How in-depth do you go with vegan and vegetarian nutrition for athletes? Do you discuss the topic of protein for this population?
Hi Karin,
Yes, I do address vegetarian and vegan nutrition. The book is not dedicated to that topic, but it can help you figure out how much protein (and other nutrients) you need and how to get it through plant sources.
Is the teacher’s guide separate?
If you make a bulk-order of books via Human Kinetics Publishing (800-747-4457), you will qualify for the free (online) teachers guide ( (Click on the “ancillaries” tab).
Have fun with your students!
is your book available in any Canadian stores?
Yes, the book should be in Canadian bookstores. If not, it is on and the Human Kinetics website.
Thanks for asking!
The publisher, Human Kinetics, sells books in Canada, so I trust my book is in your bookstores.
Please let me know how to order and how much they are!
You can buy the book on my website (,, or at your local bookstore. The publisher is Human Kinetics; they also sell it on their website. The list prices is $23.95.
Thanks for your interest!
Me! ICU RD working on my MS in Kinesiology. Looking forward to insight!
Yes, I would like a copy 🙂
Yes, I’d LOVE one! 😉
I have all editions so far and will definitely add this to my wish list!
Thank you,
Thanks for your support!